
Born in 1949 in Touraine, Jean- Baptiste Leroux is impregnated early light of the Val de Loire along with its architectural heritage. Having joined Paris, he became artistic director of the Nikon gallery in Saint-Germain-des-Prés in 1978 and leads the Canon gallery in Beaubourg from 1979 to 1989, allowing him to share his passion with his elders, Robert Doisneau, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Lucien Clergue ...
A meeting in Courances in 1985 with the owner of the place, Madame de Ganay, led him to his first photo exhibition on the gardens. This it opens the doors of the most prestigious properties in France and Europe, Versailles, Vaux -le-Vicomte, Sans Souci, Caserte, La Granja , gardens of Grimaldi... then those of Son Altesse Royale le roi Mohammed VI du Maroc. Escapes routes to Morocco and Saharan oasis, as to the cities of Tangier and Venice open new horizons =... equally bright


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