USS Constitution enfin son reflet dans l'eau


USS Constitution enfin son reflet dans l'eau

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  • JCGlaudel

    There are plenty of ways to look at the USS Constitution. We can look at this ship through its exploits, protecting commercial boats, serving as a school during the Secession War, resisting to the most violent assaults until getting the nickname of « Old Ironsides » We can look at it through its history, which began in 1797 as one of the six frigates of the United States Navy, marked by its success during the Anglo-American War of 1812. Through its present, as the oldest war ship still on the sea, powerful symbol of its home country’s ambitions. But we can also, such as on this picture, look at it through the waves which supported them for more than two centuries. They are the symbol of the eternal nature of this ship, freezed in a second on a photography. USS Constitution, Boston



Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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