Mohamed Hamza et Moussa Latuf - Bagnolet / La Noue (93)
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Saturday May 2, 2020, in the La Noue district, in Bagnolet (93). Food aid, around Alhassane Diallo, 41 years old (Recyclerie de La Noue, Toffoletti center, Free Time association in Bagnolet...); distribution of masks by Nadine Duteriez, 60 (CCAS de Bagnolet); the solidarity fridge of Amélie Marques-Novais, 62 years old; the supportive friends of Alhassane, Nadine and Amélie: Alexandre P., 35 years old; Nelly X., 39; Nadia Saidi, 43; Raphaël Touseul, 57 years old; Mohamed Hamza, 22, and Moussa Latuf, 23; Theo Ndoumb; Mariana Zarouba, 44; Kader Badji, 49; Hasan Yildiz, 55; Hussein Mohamed Ali, 24 years old. Both sitting on a low wall, a few meters from the Algeco of the Toffoletti center, at a place called "La Barrière", Mohamed Hamza, 22, and Moussa Latuf, 23, consider Alhassane Diallo as their big brother. “When he calls us, we come,” they explain simply. Children from the neighborhood, animators at the cultural and social center, they mobilized from the start of the confinement on improvised humanitarian aid: “At the beginning, we only had fruits and vegetables to give. Now we also do hot dishes. Today, it's couscous-chicken, for example. The group that met spontaneously, since mid-March, around the Algeco on rue Charles-Delescluze is "mainly made up of young people from home", they say. “With them, we go on walks, but we also organize sports activities and help with homework. This afternoon, Mohamed will let Moussa make a first delivery of a packed lunch in a building in La Noue, "because the family where we bring it are my neighbors and I don't want to embarrass them", explains the young man. The two friends also talk to each other about the most difficult situations: “Ali, the Turk, who lives on the stairs of building 3 and who sleeps on a landing; this gentleman, leg amputated, in building 4…” https://sophot.org/reportage/les-jeunes-de-la-noue-bagnolet-93-au-secours-des-invisibles/ https://longsformats.com/2021/02/08/les-jeunes-de-la-noue-bagnolet-93-au-secours-des-invisibles/