Boris Darque Jérôme Guyot - Marmoulins de Ménil’,


Boris Darque Jérôme Guyot - Marmoulins de Ménil’,

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  • Ishta

    Bagnolet, April 30, 2020. The Communal Center for Social Action (CCAS) of the city of Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis), accompanied by the Solidarity Shop, a space offering basic necessities, opened a solidarity shop on Thursday March 26 ephemeral to help the most precarious inhabitants. More than 350 residents of Bagnolet, including residents of Butte-aux-Pinsons and the Baras home, benefit from this emergency system. On April 30, 17 volunteers went to town, from the Paul-Coudert socio-cultural center, to distribute the first masks (50 each) to the most vulnerable elderly people. Boris Darque, 42, and Jérôme Guyot, 47, volunteers from Marmoulins de Ménil', help Laura load her car with packed lunches, bottles of water and milk, as well as hygiene products, with the participation of Pascal Fourestier, project manager for equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination at the City of Bagnolet, who best coordinates the entire organization of the ephemeral solidarity shop. Report:



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