Au Centre (ATD - QM) de promotion familiale de Noisy-le-Grand (93)


Au Centre (ATD - QM) de promotion familiale de Noisy-le-Grand (93)

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  • Ishta

    At the Center (ATD - QM) for family promotion in Noisy-le-Grand, Claire Exertier, 43, and Maïmouna Kebe, 37, permanent volunteers, organize readings in the corridors or at the foot of buildings. Two families open their doors at the same time. A first mother, Bénédicte, 32, from the Ivory Coast, pushes Leïla, 6, and the twins Hassan and Ouseyne, three and a half, in front of her, while she stands on the threshold. Next door, Stefania, 34, from Bulgaria, lets out three rockets: Mariella, 16, Emmanuella, 7, and Borislava, 3. Stefania's children call Bénédicte "tata". Stefania expresses her contentment: “It’s a good time, frankly! Because confinement is difficult. And this disease, everywhere..." Mariella is sitting on a chair, the twins Hassan and Ouseyne are on their little stools, Leïla and Emmanuella, their great friends, are holding each other by the neck... Claire Exertier begins her reading: "Let's go back through the snow ! Criss-criss! Criss-criss! Let's go back to the forest! Ho ho! Ho ho! Back through the mud! Plop plop! Plop plop! And the children, focused on the illustrated pages of the book, repeat the refrain with her: “Life is beautiful! We are not afraid of anything! »



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