
Born in 1987 and gratuated from the H.E.A.R., G.C. works as author & photographer, questioning the images subjectivity, like a "documented point of view". Living for a while in Russia, he since published in various medias (Le Monde, Feuilleton, 6 Mois, Paris Match, Desports..) and collaborated with various partners (Ministère de la défense, Nike, Cnam, Alliance Française...). He also works as speaker and teacher for schools and institutions (Arrêt sur image, France culture, le Mouv, Amnesty international, Faculté de Versailles..). His works have been shown at the Rencontres d'Arles, at the Moscow state University of journalism, or the galleries Stimultania (Strasbourg) and Artnews Project (Berlin). His texts are published by Allia, and he manages his own publishing house (les éditions m'habitent). Guillaume Chauvin is member of studio Hans Lucas since 2015.


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