livraison inconnue
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  • Geoffrey_Ramaud

    It is a new road than mine. I took a lot of roads without seeing the main road in my own life. I was advancing in a world which seemed to be made for everyone in the same way as the one in which I evolved, with the same advantages, the same problems, and the same knowledge, guaranteeing a "normality", a common space to others and to myself, to recognize myself in each of the people around me, and those passing through. I had taken a lonely and redundant path. A bit like a signal, I undulated on the axis of the time of my life, without being aware of the one already passed, which will never come back, leaving me nothing but a passage, meetings, adventures, and saw in the oscillation of it, a melody which repeated itself in the observation of my own time. My instability. Today, I become aware of a path that advances in the horizon of events, a path that I did not foresee before thinking that I would last only a time, a road paved with tar identical to all those that will cross me, an identical sound that all will hear anyway, that of reason. Unknown delivery of unnamed products, my future is not as drawn as I was given to believe, to see, to understand. I have so much to do, in wanting, as in obligation, in desire as in responsibility, that sometimes, doing nothing is also enjoying watching time go by, the white bands scroll by, the sky spinning and the colors change. Responsibility is also sometimes not giving a damn, because in either case, the queue to go see the sunset remains the same on this road where you can neither overtake nor stop , but it is at the speed of light, that we can communicate beyond time, because if it is the same for all, the light is just as much, here is already another common language. Does my stability lie in the fact of no longer pitching, or in remaining the same? The sinusoidality of my actions is the unconsciousness of reason from one direction to these, to perpetuate the repeated movement of my instability. The axis defining the direction of movement, its amplitude or its frequency, can only be explained by going back what allowed them to be, time, my time. If changing your point of view brings new understandings, can we in the same way, adapt the frequency, and thus pass from the spicy inaudible noise, to the gentle harmony of the curves of a road that we will be tracing? -even. Unknown delivery of a product that does not have a name, does not look like anything, and see it as nobody, myself, and that sounds more fair.



Saint-Maime-de-Péreyrol, Dordogne, France

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