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Once in the south, I am hosted by my uncle Stephane. It is while descending the staircase of his apartment so that it makes me discover the city, that I am shocked by the power of the light of the south, and will remain marked in the future. Arriving in the south, I was marked by a crisis of anxiety, loneliness and misunderstanding. But it was without knowing that I was knocking at the doors of myself, and that the fear was so real, that it made me imagine things in order to avoid confronting them. My uncle is not necessarily a good diplomat, but his knowledge is great, as his heart, and allowed me to have a landmark in this new world, which I thought I knew, but in fact had already went around. I was just at the gates of open-mindedness, something I had stopped doing, only for material life. We must unlearn what we have learned, to learn better every day.