la revolution des poissons rouges.


la revolution des poissons rouges.

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  • Geoffrey_Ramaud

    Like a goldfish, I was an animal in the midst of a revolution. I was circling in a space without reflection of myself, around an invisible subject. My loneliness led me to convince myself of my insufficiency, as well as of my necessity, with respect to the presence of the nonexistent. An encycled life, based on the habit of a dependent comfort in what nourishes it, a persistent silence, constituting the definition of confidence, by impatience with the immediacy, to be unusual. It was then that a question chained a reaction, if the presence of the nonexistent led me to convince myself to be the equilibrium of what I am, what if I persuaded myself to presence of the existing? Suddenly, in this cage without angles to the monotonous color, marked with wall lacerations like the story of a convict, the shape of a logic cut through the perception of perspectives, in a window opening onto an unfathomable space of my certainties , and contrasted by the immeasurable of its depth. An abyss, where the light of my knowledge had no echo on what seemed to have no limit, so I discovered the dimension of uncertainty, by the call of doubt and the desire to believe. I had just discovered the world of ideas. My questions were rife, the how, the why, the meaning, and what I am in this place. My first curiosity was to look where I lived, to find in the adventure of this distance which seems to have no end, a look at the origin of its beginning. I am amazed to understand living in an independent sphere within it. A puzzle of crumbs and pieces recomposed seen from the outside, a conglomerate of adaptations suggesting the fortification of a redoubt, made of rock and protruding crystals, leaving it in the light of the tiny space that opened up on what surrounds it, to discover itself as an immense object of facets glued together in a hurry, in rotation on itself, a celestial body levitating in nothingness, an unthinkable rock lighting up with reflections. It was my home, my living space and I was oblivious to it. Seen from the outside, and without the hole to locate it, no light could come to it from being far from everything, or from being all there is in this nothing. My second question, was to know what animated me in this space, closed in the rest? What was I, and what will motivated me? And then something happened. By reflecting on what I am in the comfort which is my standard, a shadow appeared on what is now, the interior limit of my house. It was a nameless form, incomparable to my discoveries and my certainties, it contrasted my knowledge with the definition of an amorphous value, it was the birth of taste and preferences, the choice of aesthetics. Made of curves and lines, it imposed itself on me as improbable. Panicked, the involuntary look I give her, forced me to conceive of an image of her that I knew I could define, the unfair birth of a formalism, trying to give everything I know, to translate of her something other than what she is in my eyes, irrational, unreal, impossible and registerable. Fear invaded me when I understood that it was linked to me, no matter how much I moved, it followed my movement, I could not get rid of it, it is just like me, the inevitability of my presence, the proof of hopelessness, the raison d'être of time. As I tried to approach me, the shadow disappeared, growing larger as I tried to touch it, until it disappeared completely, once my hand was on the wall. But, when I touched the wall, I realized that I could invest it, I was no longer one with myself, but with my house, and discovered with amazement, in the space which surrounded it, revolving around it some similar thing. A rock made of a thousand facets which was illuminated by the light escaping from the small window on the uncertainty of my house, which then brought me, through a play of reflection and echo of my knowledge, an image of myself even through this shadow being mine. It was the birth of consciousness. I was a reason in myself, being able to center the revolution of other stars, around what I am, a small luminous point lost in space, an anomaly arousing the interest and the desire to clarify, the reflection that one has of oneself not having other sources to define oneself. When I left my house, I saw that he too was rotating on himself, but his frequency, his rhythm was higher. he was turning around me faster than I was turning around him, so we were on a common ground, but not with the same speed. Despite its speed, I could make out reflections of myself in the lustrous and shiny facades similar in composition to mine. I was astonished to discover with my eyes, what I look like and what I can not understand and define as the glare is strong to me. I thought about what I could well turn around, when I was not aware of anything, what value then defined, the ignorance that I had of myself as well as of the rest? I therefore wondered if in this star, there was something like me, which could also be seen by the light that I would give it if an opening took place in its rock. But in rotation much stronger than myself, approaching it frightened me, I was afraid of being pushed into nothingness without being able to come back from it, or even worse, to be lacerated by all the thorns, and sharp angles that composed this huge crystal of protection. So I studied how, accelerate my pace, feed my knowledge to study its strength and velocity, but also its origin, how did it get to me? What did I trigger by the power of my choice? I had to be inspired by it. A new cycle punctuated my time, its revolutions around my house, comforted me and gave me a goal to reach. I had a new certainty, it was there, so I could take all the time to understand it, understanding myself, because if my shadow comes from the light that I exalt, to reflect on what it is just like Me, then I can understand, the reasons for his retrenchment, and that of being able to prove to him that I am in my turn, existing, and therefore, a reason to believe to be a choice. The order of things had just changed, she no longer gravitated around me in the same way, I had just warmed up the atmosphere to merge with myself. All the rock that made up the reflections allowing it to shine, began to melt, to become uniform around a single point like a self-centered magnetism, myself. I had changed the course of my history, I melted my past, in the fire of a new universe. From now on, the reflection that I give is in the light of being unique by being uniform. Seeing no improvements, no exits from his houses, I wanted to encompass its surface to warm its reason, I wanted to melt its ice, forgetting the reaction. I left my axis, I lost my reason, my reflection and my place, to understand being out of what I had built for myself, to refocus around myself, to collect by the gravity of my choice, anything that will cross the unconscious path that I would operate, by the destructive impact of having locked myself with myself, in the bubble that I had built myself to understand, why others do not come to my meeting, to the point of forgetting why to lock myself away from what reflects me, than to merge with the will to understand it together. I convinced myself of a dream that can only be explained by two, and locked myself in being able to understand how to better explain it to myself, in the impatience to share what I had understood of this magic, in the silence that I allowed myself to be withdrawn, because, I was traumatized by a tragedy to do nothing but turn around, like a fish in a jar, to forget as quickly as when I had understood it, what to know this that being happy is also recognizing that it can hurt.



Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France

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