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Let's go about our own business, forget that we are part of that of others, run away from what reminds us of a link with them to bury ourselves in our own. Let them fend for themselves, of what we do not understand about them, of what would take us too long to explain, to try to defend what we refuse to admit, to have lost language to understand it. Let us keep our distance, to take an opinion to be able to be guilty of it, to be to oneself a choice rather than a reverence to the will which raises it. Let us devote ourselves to protecting ourselves from that which reminds us of the inexplicable, the unjustifiable, the unforgivable, and the reason for what we are now. Let us look away, on the reflection that we are facing with the sincere intention to claim, its own legitimacy to be loudly proclaimed, what we have forgotten about ourselves, being just as much inhabited behind our bark. Let us entertain ourselves, with the path they operate to seek in their torments, the light of what dwells in them, to be too preoccupied with what we lack to protect ourselves from it until ignoring it. Let us remind them that what they are looking for cannot define the reason for all that we have, to be what is most unstable in the equilibrium of our constructions, sufficient and comparable, up to authorize prohibit his knowledge, and live better in the future of our ignorance. Let us stifle what they feel, to link them to what we are, surrounded in absence, united in pain, dependent on fear, limited by a freedom hollowed out of the essence that pushes us to the silence of not knowing express it. Let's crush the habits, to prevent them from having a time without value in our eyes, let's plan the exceptional to ensure the embrace, by extinguishing the surprise of discovering it together. Let us complete them, to reason with our normality based on our sufferings and our abandonments, to remove them from their torments to seek what was taken away from them, and to raise them in the abandonment and resignation of what we have forgotten . Let's talk to them, that through what we know, we have forgotten how to ask, without having to recognize, to speak a crazy language. Let us humanize the honor of being guilty, to cut off the evidence of being mortal. Let's make them believe what's best for us, in a world not for us, Let us like them on the hotel of the confidence which one does not have of us even.