
I began my route in the photography in October 1994 when I was in internship in a photographic agency specialized in the scientific imaging. During almost 5 years, I formed my eye in the editing of the images, looking and classifying, every days of hundreds of pictures.
In 2000, I continue my course in a big agency, Contact Press Images. Contact is an American agency which distributes big photographers as Annie Liebovitz, Sebastiao Salgado, David Burnett, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Gilles Caron.... During these years, as writer photo, I build subjects which I propose in the Parisian and European press.
In June, 2006, I integrate the French Association of Astronomy, as the editor-in-chief photo for the magazine Sky and Space e t for the whole iconography of the AFA. I am also responsible for the agency Sky and Space out Photos (who will become Gallery Astro). Eight years after my arrived, I create Photo NightScape Awards, international first prize of night landscapes awarded in France. This price meets immediately a striking success. The fifth edition is in progress. Thanks to a friend, also an editor-in-chief photo, I create ExpOtube, a new concept of turnkey exhibition.
One year ago, I decide to leave the AFA to create the Night Hunter. This association aims at setting up events cultural connecting the Arts and a Night. And for it, I am creating the NightScapades festival, the first edition(publishing) of which will take place from May 31st till June 3rd, 2018 in Heavy and in the valleys of Mountain streams.


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