
Since I was 16, photography and travel have been involved in my life.

Traveling, being elsewhere makes me more open and sensitive to what surrounds me; as if to rediscover the wonder and innocence of childhood.
In 2013, a happy coincidence made me discover the medium format TLR camera.
It is through this lens, that one squeezes against oneself, close to the heart and its ground glass which sublimates the reality, that, now, I look at the world and that I try to remember the time that passes like during the moments of traveling with my loved ones.

Since 2014, I go to Japan regularly where I develop the series "Tokiori, the foldings of time", which represents the time that passes in an elsewhere that attracts me.

Finally, I explore my daily universe, the Loire and its surrounding spaces, in the "Ferals" series.


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