Self portrait with watermelon


Self portrait with watermelon

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  • Colina_doch

    I filmed this series of self-portraits during the lockdown of summer 2020. Many call these times and moments that surround us, very dark times. Time isn't the easiest concept, yet it allows the artist to concentrate and truly be himself. All of his temptations fly away. On top of that, lockdown has allowed to rethink many thoughts and take a deep look into yourself, teaching yourself and taking action. In my series, I mix human body with the objects of the surrounding natural and animal world. Where is the borderline between harmony in interaction and the pathological influence of one on the other? What grows from what? Who determines whom? This combination of the physical and the natural gives a certain third dimension - something completely new, the "Other", appears. And by taking a good look at him, we can find the answers to these questions.



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