
My artistic approach is irrevocably rooted in urban life, both past and present.

Coming from a scientific and technical background, I have always been fascinated by the emotion of images and have always, inexorably, sought the cathartic effect they provide.

It is in a mixture of genres that I find my balance combining urbanizations, architectures, grains of silver and contrasting pixels. Images made of details, symmetries, contrasts but also of black and white.

My artistic production is not strictly speaking guided. It is made according to my visions that I try to put on paper but also and especially by the fruit of my chance meetings. I mainly use black and white to focus more on the light and the details it reveals, colour would distract the eye and make my subject obsolete.

The use of retouching in my work is present within the limit of non-transformation. Whether on an enlarger or in binary language, I always work on accentuating contrasts, details or masking. On the other hand, it will never be used to render a pseudo-reality in abstraction.



Ses coups de coeur wipplay


Hauts de France
Interlaced realities
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