
Clément Oubrerie is a french draughtsman born in Paris in 1966. He studied for arts graphic school  in Esag and spent two years in United States where he has published his first children’s book. Back to France, he published about forty illustrated books and won the press book’s price of Montreal in 2009 for the Mille Mots de l’info (Gallimard) with Elisabeth Combres and Florence Thinard. He made his first comic strip in 2005 with Aya de Yopougon (Gallimard), wrote by Marguerite About, price of the first album in the Angoulême’s festival in 2006. The serie known a phenomenal success, the 6th volumes are traduced in 15 langages. He adapted Zazie dans le métro from Raymond Queneau too. In October 2012 he released Jeangot with Joann Sfar. In 2007, he released Moot-moot with Éric and Ramzy, best animated TV serie in Annecy festival of 2008, then created an animation studio with Johann Sfar and Antoine Delesvaux. This studio is behind the realization of two feature fiction films : Le chat du rabbin (2011) et Aya de Yopougon (2013). 

For Dargaud, in January 2011, he started a new series called Pablo, with Julie Birmant  to the scenario. The forth and last volume released in 2014. 


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