A sign of hope

Clément Gibon

A sign of hope

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  • Clément Gibon

    One year after the explosion in the port of Beirut, the Lebanese people are still without any answers. One year after the tragic event that caused hundreds of victims, thousands of injured and untold mental and material damages, no one has been named as responsible. One year after this almost deliberate massacre, no reform or solution has been found to put the country back on its feet. Today, serious shortages of medicine, food, and gasoline coupled with power and water supply cuts are part of a daily life that has become far too uncertain. This August 4th commemoration is ultimately a catalyst for the different emotions that the country is going through, a mixture of sadness, anger and disgust at the warlords who don't care about Lebanon. Taking advantage of the collapse they themselves have caused, they fall back on a political inactivity that only aggravates tensions and serves the community system. The demonstrators accuse the political class not only of slowing down the investigation related to the storage of 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate as some would have been aware of the risks a long time ago, but also of deliberately leaving the country adrift. After paying homage to the victims of the Beirut harbor explosion, the demonstrators moved towards the parliament.



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