De?sir Ardent Arum
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  • Charles Hamonnais

    The Life Source Of Light First time we photographed the light coming from the inside of flowers and the whole plant world! It is often believed that the evocation of the internal light of a living being is a metaphor. However, Aglaé has taken the metaphor literally to design a serum that allows flowers to bring out an unsuspected light. I had the privilege of photographing this incredible phenomenon that comes from within the plant world. That we can finally access this visual dimension of nature, that we discover the composition of each flower in a different way: what a wonderful exploration! Each flower reveals its character, sometimes animal, sometimes explosive, in a total delicacy. It is through these moments spent in the company of each species that I saw how the light of each one is expressed in the night. For it is only when it is dark that the light shines.



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