
Caroline Constant was born in 1975 in Bagnolet, France. She grew up in the Parisian petite couronne.

Bathed in an artistic family environment, she starts drawing and taking pictures as soon as she is able to hold a pencil and her parents' Spotmatic Pentax film camera.
When she is 9, Caroline constant is ranked in the Angoulême comic strip contest and, as a teen, she sells her black and white film photos to her friends from her riding center, during show-jumping competitions, by making her kitchen a night photo lab.

Caroline Constant studies Applied Arts at the Parisian school Duperré (BTS (advanced technician's certificate) "Fashion design, textile and environment", and then DSAA (Applied Arts diploma) with a specialisation in fashion en environment). She then turned to the creation of web-based interfaces, several years in an Agency, and then as a UX/UI designer and a freelance web designer since 2005.

She is passionate about images, from photography to graphic design, including drawing and video : in 2005 she discovers the independent cinema movement Kino, and is greatly involved in it as the director of photography for several short films produced in 48 or 72h during Kino Kabarets ; and she is the co-founder of the two Parisians structures Kino Paname (2008) and Kino Belleville (2013).

At the same time she goes back to illustration in the logos she creates, the illustration of web sites, online marketing events and motion design videos.

She keeps taking pictures as a corporate photographer, to illustrate her clients' websites, and to feed a personal and plastic approach: she looks for a combination of shapes and colours where nature and human-made things are mixed together. The mark of humans in the core of the world.


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