Parisienne, passionnée d'art en général, plutôt musicienne et grande consommatrice de cinéma.
Rien ne la prédestinait à la photographie mais lorsque son frère lui offre un fisheye vert fluo à son retour de New York, elle tombe littéralement amoureuse de ces appareils argentiques en plastique.
Elle commence alors ses expérimentations à Paris et en voyage. L'attente et la surprise du résultat la stimulent. Chaque développement est un cadeau qu'elle s'offre volontiers. Aucune retouche, aucun traitement ne sont réalisés post-prise de vue.

Grande voyageuse, ses appareils ne la quittent plus.
Début 2013, elle parcourt l'Asie à sac à dos avec ses 2 appareils lomo fétiches : son Diana Zebra F+ et Sa Sardina DIY.
Durant son périple de 5 mois elle expose pendant 15 jours à Singapour des clichés alternatifs de Paris.
Elle reçoit un accueil chaleureux des locaux et des voyageurs du monde entier.
A Parisian, in love with art in general, a musician at heart and a fervent cinemagoer.
She was not predestined to take pictures but her brother gave her a neon green Fisheye camera when she came back from New York City and she literally fell in love with these analog cameras made of plastic. No photo editing.Never
So she started experimenting, in Paris and abroad. She loves waiting for the result and getting surprised when the pictures are finally ready to see: it's very stimulating! Developping a film is like giving herself a present.

A tireless traveler, she never goes anywhere without her cameras.
In early 2013, she went backpacking in Asia with her 2 lucky Lomo cameras: her Diana Zebra F+ and her Sardina DIY.
During her 5 month trip, she exhibited her alternative snapshots of Paris in Singapore for two weeks.
Local people and world travelers welcomed her warmly.

Her approach is truly experimental and deals with the issue of the suject or subjects.
Places are mixed with their environment: sidewalks, trees, streets and sky are intertwined.
In this urban jungle, monuments fade into their setting.
Subjects are destructured. She likes the idea that places are reclaimed by nature.
Everything is possible. Everything is questioned. The answer is up to you.
13 Abonnés - 5 Abonnements

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