
On the road living in his camper since 2013, Benoit Paille is an atypic artist, conscience agitator, creative genius, monstrously curious, absent and edgy. Soon in his life he became surrounded by secondhand smoke and nicoret patches, wich helped him to develop his artistic taste. Stoned on ritalin for most of his crucial years, he undertook a bio-medical career until he fell into the downfalll of photography. Self taught, he still became recognized rapidly in the field wich brought him to exhibit his work in galleries around the world : Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Amsterdam, France, United States and Quebec to name a few. On the conterpart, his many travels deprived him of any sustainable psychologial follow-up wich led him into regular crisis. With his growing number of likes in the digital world, we can really say he acquired the artist status, as long as his clic notoriety last. Far from looking for specific opportunities of creation, it’s in the primal impulse, the instantaneous situations that images are revealing themselves spontenaously. Using colorful flashs to outline surreal representations “ I often see myself like an hyper realist painter, my pictures documenting an altered state of mind ”. Cultivating a predilection for casual people and locations, kitsch landscapes, fences and strange parkinglots, he’s seeking the unexpected and the unseen.   “ Everybody can shoot a beautiful scenery or sunset, but I rather be a pataphysician, to apply myself to think about what others don’t ”.  Always on the move, he realized a new record by braking more than 3 cameras a year in speed bumps and dirt roads. Even if he consider himself a produt of today’s hyper capitalism, he tries to oppose his resistance by acting out against selfies, trends, himself included, even if he think he’s the best photographer he knows. Of a disdainful nature, he yearns to be excluded from any renowned circle. Despite his international recognition, Benoit remains humble and open to others. He has the ability to intrude easily in the authentic life of people to wreck and corrupt their traditional habitat with technology. When children ask him what his THC vaporizer machine is, he lies and tells them it’s an asthma device. Wishing to step apart from institutionalized biographies, Benoit is making a lot of efforts to break through. Ambitious he masturbates only once a day. Either way, he’s putting a lot of energy in transgressing conventions. Art sustain him more than leftovers hot-dogs.


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