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Protected passage is part of a set of a few series produced in April 2019 in different places in Strasbourg and with a shooting protocol that is the opposite of my usual practice in street photography: fixed framing and camera on a tripod, repetitive triggers entrusted to the intervalometer... therefore, quite the opposite of the search for each interesting subject, the best angle, the best distance, the best moment. Having the feeling of going around in circles, of exhausting my passion for street photography, my desire was then to try other things, to get out of my comfort zone and also to question my never-exhausted quest for the famous " decisive moment". I didn't really find any new impetus or an obvious answer there, but I still have these images to which I am attached, this typology of passers-by and scenes at the same time and the same place which seems to me interesting, coherent and form a kind of human cartography that only photography allows...