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FAN-TASTIQUES is a photographic project of portraits, identity on the fans and the public before the concerts. Regardless of their origins, their ages or their tastes; they are all here for the same thing: the concert of their idols. It is through his community that we recognize a great artist; it is therefore not the artist that I want to highlight but his audience. Through the thousands of faces that make up the public, we are sure to know which performer they are there for. I want to give unknown faces to a community represented only by a known artist. It was as a teenager that I discovered the musical world, particularly through Pop Culture, and also started a passion for photography. It is more recently that I started to be part of the fan communities, at the same time I started to do portraits in a self-taught way. The photographic contact removes all shyness from me, which allows me to meet all the people I can meet while being comfortable, which contributes to the success of the photo. Beyond the project of showing faces, there is also a real sociological issue. I noticed that within this community they can't express how they feel about the artist, what it's like for them to be a fan, so they feel judged by everyone else people who are not fans, so it is my role to express through this project the word and the love that they cannot express. Fan-tastiques happens to be my first photographic project after my studies, unfortunately I could not do a photographic school which complicates the path of financing photographic projects. The realization of this project is the culmination of two years of preparation and savings, but also the accomplishment of the work of the young artist that I am, from a modest background. On this picture, it's Olivia an english girl, who comes in France for the Iron Maiden' concert to Paris la Défense Arena in June 2022. She has a badge of fan club to go inside early, also she has a mask and a shirt of group.