
Portrait ©Patricia Doukhan

Born in 1979, Alain Delorme lives and works in Paris. He graduated from the Ecole des Gobelins and a Masters in Photography from the University of Paris VIII.

His photographic work attempts to depict the phenomena of normalization and standardization conveyed by our consumer society. His practice is that of digital photography and editing. He delivers photographs with graphic and colorful universes oscillating between realism and fiction. A diversion from reality that leads us to observe it attentively, and to question ourselves about contemporary society.

Alain Delorme received the Arcimboldo Prize in 2007 for his series "Little Dolls" awarded by the Gens d´Images association and was nominated for the Prix Pictet in 2013 with his series "Totems". His work is part of many private collections around the world.



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