Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

FinishedFrom August 26 to September 15 2015


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

FinishedFrom August 26 to September 15 2015


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

FinishedFrom August 26 to September 15 2015


« Honey, I Shrunk the Kids »

From August 26 to September 15 2015

Like Lauren and Hardy, unlikely pairs, macro or tilt shift, defy proportions and post you own pictures in XXS.

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

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Contest terms

A collaboration :

Prizes to win

1st prize of the jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 2 years of subscription to Causette magazine.
2nd prize of the jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 1 year subscription to Causette.
3rd prize of the jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette 6 month subscription to Causette magazine.
1st prize of the wipplayers
1 year subscription to Causette magazine
2nd prize of the wipplayers
6 month subscription to Causette magazine
3rd prize of the wipplayers
Last issue of Causette Magazine

FinishedFrom August 26 to September 15 2015

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