On the road

Again, again...

TerminéDu juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

On the road

Again, again...

TerminéDu juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

On the road

Again, again...

TerminéDu juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

On the road

Again, again...

TerminéDu juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

On the road

« Again, again... »

Du juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

On the mythical Route 66 or the Nationale 10, from Kathmando to Juan-les-Pins, by bike, on foot or by motorbike, by convertible or even by train ! From the Route du Rhum to the Silk Road, all the paths lead to the photography. Embark with us! Amateur or professional, show us your creativity, your sensitivity and your thirst for discovery. Surprise us with your best images, those that come off the beaten path and shine a light in our eyes! The jury composed of Alain Genestar, Editor of Polka, and Dimitri Beck, Director of Photography, will select an image to be published in the "contest" section of the next issue of Polka, on newsstands on 31 of August. The three photos that will gather the most votes will win the famous prizes of wipplayers.

Partager le concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Publication of the winning image on Polka + 1 year of subscription to Polka Magazine
2ème prix du jury
Book «Virtual Seoul » by Françoise Huguier, + 6 months of suscription to Polka Magazine
3ème prix du jury
6 months of subscription to Polka Magazine
1er prix des internautes
Book « Virtual Seoul » by Françoise Huguier
2ème prix des internautes
6 months of subscription to Polka Magazine
3ème prix des internautes
Last issue of Polka Magazine
On the road

TerminéDu juin 14 au juillet 12 2017

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