
TerminéDu juillet 31 au août 28 2019


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Du juillet 31 au août 28 2019

To celebrate the month of August, Wipplay proposes to you 3 photographic collections that give vacation feels : MOTORWAY REST AREAS, SUNBURN and SANDCASTLE! On the way, do photograph the much-vaunted highway roadside picnics, the coffee breaks or even the neverending queues outside the loos. reached the beach at last? You are just about tasting the first sun rays and you’re already turning red? Capture these small souvenirs only for us (and think of taking some sunscreen the next time!). As for the last collection, you must think of shooting one more fleeting subject : these sand castles that seem to cover the whole beach. Will you photograph the biggest one? The most beautiful one? The most valiant in front of the tide? Up to you to choose - we can’t wait to discover it all.

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TerminéDu juillet 31 au août 28 2019

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