Smarter Society

Smarter, better, sooner

TerminéDu mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

Smarter Society

Smarter, better, sooner

TerminéDu mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

Smarter Society

Smarter, better, sooner

TerminéDu mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

Smarter Society

Smarter, better, sooner

TerminéDu mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

Smarter Society

« Smarter, better, sooner »

Du mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

What is your vision of an intelligent, connected and responsible society? For this photo contest, you have to share the current digital transformation: economic dynamic, road network, new interconnections, emerging solidarities. Share with us your vision of technological progress, the one that can lessen distances, multiply exchanges. Seize reasoned developments, clever hybridizations and new balances: professional/personal, city/countryside, leisure time/working time. Be curious, be creative, there are many topics!

Our jury members, photographers Julien Magre and Vincent Pflieger will select the most beautiful pictures! The photographs with the most votes will be part of the public selection.

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
1500€ + a Pentax Reflex camera + the book
2ème prix du jury
500€ + a Pentax Reflex camera + the book L'ambition ou l'épopée de soi" by Vincent Cespedes + your picture framed into a shadow box (18x24cm)
3ème prix du jury
200€ + a Pentax Reflex camera + the book L'ambition ou l'épopée de soi by Vincent Cespedes + your picture framed into a shadow box (18x24cm)
1er prix des internautes
A video projector + the book Je n'ai plus peur du noir by Julien Magre + your picture framed in a shadow box (18x24cm)
2ème prix des internautes
A balloon flight for 2 + the book Je n'ai plus peur du noir by Julien Magre + your picture framed in a shadow box (18x24cm)
3ème prix des internautes
2 TED tickets + the book Je n'ai plus peur du noir by Julien Magre + your picture framed in a shadow box (18x24cm)
Smarter Society

TerminéDu mai 30 au juillet 16 2018

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