« Hourglass shape, generous buttocks, shapely thighs... »
Du mai 20 au juin 11 2015
Wasp waist, stooped posture, athlettic body stature, stature in 8, chubby, skinny and many others... A great way to treat all criteria of beauty in pictures !
Hourglass shape, generous buttocks, shapely thighs...
Prix du jury
Nos experts
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1er prix du jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 2 years of subscription to Causette magazine and a mug Causette.
2ème prix du jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 1 year subscription to Causette and a mug Causette.
3ème prix du jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 6 month subscription to Causette and a mug Causette.
1er prix des internautes
1 year subscription to Causette magazine
2ème prix des internautes
6 month subscription to Causette magazine
3ème prix des internautes
Last issue of Causette magazine
TerminéDu mai 20 au juin 11 2015