African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

Tasty meals at sight!

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

African flavours

« Tasty meals at sight! »

Du avril 22 au juin 3 2020

On the occasion of the "Food Temple Africa" festival which will take place from September 25 to 27 2020 at the Carreau du Temple in Paris, you are all invited to share your AFRICAN FLAVOURS. The objective of this theme? To collect pictures of culture, markets, restaurants, cuisine with the flavours of Africa. It's up to you to introduce us to the continent through its gustatory treasures: vegetable mafé, fruit spring rolls, radish canapés... And don't forget to send us on a stroll through the markets or let us into your own kitchen. We are as gourmand as we are curious.

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In partnership with

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
The exhibition of the photograph during Food Temple Africa, the book Le Carreau du Temple, and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
2ème prix du jury
The exhibition of the photograph during Food Temple Africa, the book Le Carreau du Temple and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
3ème prix du jury
The exhibition of the photograph during Food Temple Africa, the book Le Carreau du Temple and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
1er prix des internautes
The book Le Carreau du Temple and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
2ème prix des internautes
The book Le Carreau du Temple and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
3ème prix des internautes
The book Le Carreau du Temple and an invitation for two for one of the show of the 2020-2021 season
African flavours

TerminéDu avril 22 au juin 3 2020

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