
TerminéDu août 25 au septembre 20 2021


TerminéDu août 25 au septembre 20 2021


TerminéDu août 25 au septembre 20 2021


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Du août 25 au septembre 20 2021

Resistance induces various expressions and situations. Is it a question of countering a majority, academic, conservative current which would maintain an unequal or unjust system in place? Is it about resisting a movement of oppression or aggression? This resistance can be individual or collective, ad hoc and spontaneous or repeated and organized. You can present us with an action, a demonstration, a movement, or even a counter-culture. Beyond the context, your images will have to capture details: a furious face, a raised fist or any other distinctive sign of resistance: a hairstyle, a flag, a garment, a slogan, a tattoo, a jewel can sometimes mean a lot. ... So it's up to you, our time has no shortage of subjects.

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Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo during Bucharest Photofest and a tote bag
2ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo during Bucharest Photofest and a tote bag
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo during Bucharest Photofest and a tote bag
1er prix des internautes
A tote bag and a T-shirt Bucharest Photofest
2ème prix des internautes
A tote bag and a T-shirt Bucharest Photofest
3ème prix des internautes
A tote bag and a T-shirt Bucharest Photofest

TerminéDu août 25 au septembre 20 2021

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