Red is the color of passion, of heat, of fotofever

TerminéDu avril 23 au juin 17 2015


Red is the color of passion, of heat, of fotofever

TerminéDu avril 23 au juin 17 2015


« Red is the color of passion, of heat, of fotofever »

Du avril 23 au juin 17 2015

Lay your eyes on the most flamboyant color ! From carmine to purple, from burgundy garnet to crimson, put fire to your images and explore the red in all its forms.

Red is the color of passion, of heat, of fotofever

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Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the winning image on the Wisshop?s area offered by fotofever paris*, an invitation for two to the preview on Thursday 12th September 2015, a catalog of the edition 2015, a guid
2ème prix du jury
an invitation for two to the preview on Thursday 12th September 2015, a catalog, a guide
3ème prix du jury
an invitation for two to the preview on Thursday 12th September 2015, a catalog, a guide
1er prix des internautes
an invitation for two for the opening on Friday, November 13th 2015, a catalog of the edition 2015, a catalog a guide
2ème prix des internautes
an invitation for two for the opening on Friday, November 13th 2015, a guide
3ème prix des internautes
an invitation for two for the opening on Friday, November 13th 2015, a guide

TerminéDu avril 23 au juin 17 2015

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