La fillette aux fleurs
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  • Vincentbosson

    A girl from the Guarani Mbya Amerindian community picks flowers on the side of the road during a "walk for life" at the Jaraguá Peak in São Paulo, Brazil. The Brazilian Amerindians are threatened by a legislative proposal known as the "marco temporal", which aims to limit access to their ancestral territory. Under this argument, Indians will have to prove that they occupied the land before 1988, the date on which the Brazilian constitution was promulgated. As the Chamber of Deputies has already passed the law by a large majority, the text will be submitted to the Federal Supreme Court. During the demonstrations, it is the children of the Guarani communities who are at the front of the marches, as they represent the future, in search of the Land Without Evil. On that day, all the children wore masks to protect themselves from tear gas, as the Military Police had put down a demonstration a few days earlier when the community had blocked a motorway that runs alongside Indian territory. Thinking about why this photograph is a source of hope for me, memories of my childhood came flooding back, disturbing my reflection with a vivid emotion: my brothers and I looking for meadowsweet; my father picking it to give to loved ones; my mother taking a photograph to immortalize the scene. In this sea of green, the little girl appears like a jewel in the middle of her green setting, in the shade of the trees that draw small waves. Do you think she has managed to tame the flowers? Is that a heart there in the middle? On one hand, the little creature holds love, beauty, and gift, and on the other, a protective mask, a reminder that it also takes courage and hope to protect one's community, and by extension, one's territory, the Earth.



São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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