Interlaced realities

The fusion of the tangible and the virtual

OuvertDu mars 18 au avril 23 2025


Interlaced realities

« The fusion of the tangible and the virtual »

Du mars 18 au avril 23 2025

Digital filters, immersive projections, double exposures or optical illusions: reality is blurred, and our perception wavers. With the meteoric rise of immersive technologies, the boundaries between our physical and digital worlds are becoming increasingly blurred.

“Interlaced realities: the fusion of the tangible and the virtual” explores these zones of ambiguity, those moments when the tangible and the virtual merge. At this 3rd edition of the Festival de la photo des Hauts de France, organized by the association Les images de Blanche, Wipplay invites photography enthusiasts to play with the contrasts and ambivalence between the digital and the human. In a hyper-connected world, what impact do technologies have on our identity?

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Interlaced realities

OuvertDu mars 18 au avril 23 2025

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