
It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018


It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018


It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018


It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018


It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018


« It's time to let the floor to LGBTQI+ identities »

Du juin 20 au août 1 2018

On the occasion of the pride months, Wipplay and the Tbilisi Photo Festival consecrate the contest to the visibility of the LGBTQI+ community. This contest is addressed to the concerned persons, who want to express their uniqueness. What's the core of the subject? The representation and positioning of LGBTQI+ identities in the world, whether it is in intimacy, family, community, or in the public space... For your image to be selected and be part of the jury's selection, it has to be submitted with a short text: statement, story or description...

Our jury, composed of photographer SMITH, and the Tbilisi Photo Festival, will select the best pictures and their story. The 3 pictures gathering te most votes from the wipplayers will win the public prize.

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

2ème prix du jury
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival
3ème prix du jury
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival
1er prix du jury
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival
1er prix des internautes
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival
2ème prix des internautes
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival
3ème prix des internautes
Your picture in the screening of the Night of Photography of the Tbilisi Photo Festival

TerminéDu juin 20 au août 1 2018

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