« Billie Eliott, Punky Brewster, Agnan... 1st class kids ! »
From April 29 to May 27 2015
Wise or not wise, small geeks or little dunce, shy or rapporteurs, dressed or in uniform. Capture in images the personalities of these kids full of innocence.
Billie Eliott, Punky Brewster, Agnan... 1st class kids !
Jury's prices
Our experts
A collaboration
Prizes to win
1st prize of the jury
1 Olympus camera OMD E-M10 + zoom 14/42 - Exibition of the winning photography from 1 to 30 September, 2015 during the MAP Festival of Toulouse
1st prize of the wipplayers
1 print by Central Dupon 30x40
3rd prize of the wipplayers
1 print by Central Dupon 30x40
2nd prize of the wipplayers
1 print by Central Dupon 30x40
FinishedFrom April 29 to May 27 2015