Portrait(s) 2019

In your goal? A series of 10 images.

TerminéDu février 19 au avril 9 2019

Portrait(s) 2019

In your goal? A series of 10 images.

TerminéDu février 19 au avril 9 2019

Portrait(s) 2019

In your goal? A series of 10 images.

TerminéDu février 19 au avril 9 2019

Portrait(s) 2019

« In your goal? A series of 10 images. »

Du février 19 au avril 9 2019

Face it: question identity, suggest reflections of thought. Any means are good to work on your subject. Play on the distances in front of his gaze, isolate his character traits on a neutral background, try staging that will echo his personality. Anything is possible to tell a face. To be eligible, you must make a series of 10 portraits. The winning series will be exhibited at the 2019 edition of the Vichy Portrait(s) festival. The juries for this competition will be Véronique Rautenberg, Françoise Bronstein and Fany Dupêchez.

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Prix du jury

#1 1er prix du jury


Baeriswyl_Valérie-Portrrait de la Foret des Pins-Haiti-10.jpg

/Forêts de pins

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the winning series during the 2019 edition of Portrait(s)* + the book of the 2019 residence signed + meeting with a photographer in residence 2019
2ème prix du jury
Signed books from previous residences
3ème prix du jury
Books from previous residencies
1er prix des internautes
2 books of the residence including the one of the year signed
2ème prix des internautes
1 book of the residence
3ème prix des internautes
1 book of the residence
Portrait(s) 2019

TerminéDu février 19 au avril 9 2019

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