Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance. Cultivate illusion. Reflect oneself. Photographing portrait, you have until january 9 th to post a 6 portraits gallery.

TerminéDu novembre 13 au janvier 16 2013


Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance. Cultivate illusion. Reflect oneself. Photographing portrait, you have until january 9 th to post a 6 portraits gallery.

TerminéDu novembre 13 au janvier 16 2013


Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance. Cultivate illusion. Reflect oneself. Photographing portrait, you have until january 9 th to post a 6 portraits gallery.

TerminéDu novembre 13 au janvier 16 2013


« Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance. Cultivate illusion. Reflect oneself. Photographing portrait, you have until january 9 th to post a 6 portraits gallery. »

Du novembre 13 au janvier 16 2013

Face yourself, taking portrait, turn your gazeâ?¦ Posed, snapshoted, grouped, in family, stolen, abstract, figurative... You'll need 6 pictures maximum to tell a story of style and faces. Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance, shooting the portrait...

Questioning identity. Interrogate resemblance. Cultivate illusion. Reflect oneself.

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Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
auto-shooting : Do it Yourself " with Hugues Anhes
1er prix des internautes
a camera X 6-12 City Slicker
2ème prix des internautes
A camera Diana F+
3ème prix des internautes
A camera Fisheye N°2

TerminéDu novembre 13 au janvier 16 2013

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