The mustard colonel with the monkey wrench inside the conservatory. Be part of the first anonymous photo contest! Bye bye gangs welcome to implacable sereal killers !

TerminéDu mars 27 au mai 15 2013


The mustard colonel with the monkey wrench inside the conservatory. Be part of the first anonymous photo contest! Bye bye gangs welcome to implacable sereal killers !

TerminéDu mars 27 au mai 15 2013


The mustard colonel with the monkey wrench inside the conservatory. Be part of the first anonymous photo contest! Bye bye gangs welcome to implacable sereal killers !

TerminéDu mars 27 au mai 15 2013


« The mustard colonel with the monkey wrench inside the conservatory. Be part of the first anonymous photo contest! Bye bye gangs welcome to implacable sereal killers ! »

Du mars 27 au mai 15 2013

It is Wednesday march 27th of 2013. At 5:37 PM and wipplay is opening its first anonymous contest. All the wipplayer's names will be masked. You'll have to vote for the picture you like the most ( and not you're friend's pictures). Send your photos of dark movies's atmosphear. A crime scene? a private office? A dark lane?

Wipplay kill me

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Incurables, de Lars Kepler Messe noire, d'Olivier Barde-Cabuçon De bons voisins, de Ryan David Jahn La Tristesse du samouraï, de Victor del Arbol
1er prix des internautes
Incurables, de Lars Kepler Messe noire, d'Olivier Barde-Cabuçon De bons voisins, de Ryan David Jahn La Tristesse du samouraï, de Victor del Arbol
2ème prix des internautes
Incurables, de Lars Kepler Messe noire, d'Olivier Barde-Cabuçon
3ème prix des internautes
Incurables, de Lars Kepler

TerminéDu mars 27 au mai 15 2013

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