Share your optimistic vision with images

TerminéDu décembre 17 au janvier 21 2015


Share your optimistic vision with images

TerminéDu décembre 17 au janvier 21 2015


Share your optimistic vision with images

TerminéDu décembre 17 au janvier 21 2015


« Share your optimistic vision with images »

Du décembre 17 au janvier 21 2015

On the occasion of the « Printemps de l’Optimisme », share your vision images optimism. Laughs, sense of freedom, serene landscapes , magical moments , let it go… All that says stop the gloom and evokes an optimistic way of life. Get the happiness spirit and post from 1 to 6 images of this state of mind.

Share your optimistic vision with images

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A collaboration :

JCDecaux JCDecaux, the world's leading outdoor advertising company, is now present in more than 80 countries and 4,033 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, and plays a major role in the transformation of urban universes. It all began in 1964 when Jean-Claude Decaux set up the first advertising bus shelters in Lyon, driven by the desire to beautify cities by installing free street furniture in exchange for the exclusivity of its advertising operations in privileged locations. For more than 50 years, the products and services offered to cities by JCDecaux have been considered the benchmark in terms of eco-design, quality, aesthetics and functionality. Thanks to the expertise of its employees, the excellence of the Group's achievements, particularly in terms of maintenance and upkeep, is recognized worldwide by cities, airport and transport authorities, as well as advertisers. JCDecaux is the only global player to operate exclusively in the outdoor advertising business and to develop all its activities: street furniture, transport advertising and large-format billboards. As a pioneer in digital outdoor advertising, we offer advertisers immense creative opportunities and flexibility through tailor-made and targeted campaigns. With nearly 60,000 digital advertising screens worldwide, we are deploying a new communication experience for brands. It is based on the dynamics of thematic, targeted, affinity and real-time messages. Now, the boundaries of time and space are fading away in favour of contextual communication, allowing more direct interaction with individuals or even with social networks. site web

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the winning picture for 1 week on the Champs Elysees (5 sides, size L.118, 50 X H.175 cm) in Paris from March 11 to 18th of 2015 + photo displayed on the events of Le Printemps de l’Optimisme (L.118, 50 X H.175 cm) + photo releasedfrom 11 to 23 March La place de la Republique in Paris + projection of the image the at l’hémicycle du Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental in March 21th, 2015 2 tickets for one match at the Parc des Princes PSG in 2015 1 strap connected
2ème prix du jury
Photo posted on the events of Le Printemps de l’Optimisme (size L.118, 50 X H.175 cm) + photo released from 11 to 23 March of 2015 on dynamic display of Place of the Republic in Paris + projection of the picture in , March 21, 2015 1 strap connected. 1 iPhone case personalized with the name. 1 book on happiness to Cherche Midi Editions: "Happiness, the new keys".
3ème prix du jury
Photo displayed on the home page of the website + photo released from 11 to 23 March on dynamic display of Republic Square in Paris + projected picture in the Chamber of the Economic, social and Environmental, March 21, 2015 1 strap connected 1 iPhone case personalized with the name
1er prix des internautes
2 VIP tickets for the concert of Soprano, March 20, 2015, at the Zenith in Paris 1 strap connected 1 iPhone case personalized with first name 1 book on happiness to Cherche Midi Editions: "Happiness, the new keys"
2ème prix des internautes
2 places VIP for the show of the Soprano on March 20 of 2015, at the Zenith in Paris 1 strap connected 1 iPhone case personalized with the name
3ème prix des internautes
All the Skyrock compilations of the year 1 strap connected 1 book on happiness to Cherche Midi Editions: "Happiness, the new keys"

TerminéDu décembre 17 au janvier 21 2015

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