Photo of the week

My best captures in partnership with Nikon School

TerminéDu avril 10 au avril 17 2023

Photo of the week

My best captures in partnership with Nikon School

TerminéDu avril 10 au avril 17 2023

Photo of the week

My best captures in partnership with Nikon School

TerminéDu avril 10 au avril 17 2023

Photo of the week

« My best captures in partnership with Nikon School »

Du avril 10 au avril 17 2023

Every week, from Tuesday morning to Monday evening, we invite you to post up to 10 of your most beautiful images. The author of the most voted photo will receive the "PHOTO OF THE WEEK" badge and will have their image featured on the Wipplay site and social networks. In addition, this image will be included in the preselection presented to the PHOTO OF THE WEEK jury in partnership with the Nikon School. The winning images and the jury's favorites will be exhibited at the Nikon School and the authors will win training days. You can download full list of rules here here

My best images

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
2 days formation at the Nikon School of a value of 550€ & the exhibition of the photo at the Nikon Plaza in 2023 (date to be defined)
2ème prix du jury
1 day formation at the Nikon School of a value of 250€ & the exhibition of the photo at the Nikon Plaza in 2023 (date to be defined)
3ème prix du jury
½ day formation at the Nikon School of a value of 130€ & the exhibition of the photo at the Nikon Plaza in 2023 (date to be defined)
Photo of the week

TerminéDu avril 10 au avril 17 2023

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actu photo, concours, bons plans partenaires...

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Choisissez votre vote

Vous avez atteint le niveau 20 et pouvez donc choisir de donner une voix, ou deux, à cette photo... et vous pouvez aussi annuler pour ne pas voter, hein.





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Avant de participer au concours

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