
TerminéDu août 18 au septembre 29 2021


TerminéDu août 18 au septembre 29 2021


TerminéDu août 18 au septembre 29 2021


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Du août 18 au septembre 29 2021

Graphic subjects are everywhere: where patterns are repeated - on land in the air or at sea, among the play of light and shadow, in the infinitely large and the infinitely small, in photomontages and your doubles - exhibitions ... All options are allowed, whether in subject or technique, you just have to surprise us!

The jury composed of Christophe Asso (director of the PHOTO MARSEILLE festival), Eric Bourret (Photographer) and Florine Garcin (DA at Lomography) will elect the winning images. The jury's prizes will be exhibited during the PhotoMarseille 2021 Festival. The 3 photos most voted on by the public will receive the book by Maison Blanche 2020 winner Téo Becher at Éditions Bec en l'air. A special Lomography prize will be awarded to the most beautiful image taken in film.

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Règlement du concours

In partnership with

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during PhotoMarseille 2021 and the Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)
2ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during PhotoMarseille 2021 and the Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during PhotoMarseille 2021 and the Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)
1er prix des internautes
The Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)
2ème prix des internautes
The Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)
3ème prix des internautes
The Book of Teo Becher (Ed. Bec en l’air)

TerminéDu août 18 au septembre 29 2021

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