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  • bruno.blais

    This vision of poplars planted in the Garonne valley on a day of light mist is there to confront our feelings. One can think of pure poetry at first, but it is above all a certain vision of the environment that could quite occupy the land around the "Castle" of F.Kafka (novel). When the tree is at the service of human consumption, it takes very quickly a clinical and organized allure that can lead one to think that man has not yet taken the measure of his errors, on this way of apprehending existence, earthly life, as if this organization required order, hierarchy and a radical aseptisation of the space surrounding it. Man did not create the planet earth, but trade and money and this is seen a little more with the naked eye every day. A morbid obsession that costs earthly life dearly. Bruno Blais



La Réole, Gironde, France

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