Small bill, big thrill !

A little cash goes a long way

TerminéDu septembre 4 au octobre 16 2019

Small bill, big thrill !

A little cash goes a long way

TerminéDu septembre 4 au octobre 16 2019

Small bill, big thrill !

A little cash goes a long way

TerminéDu septembre 4 au octobre 16 2019

Small bill, big thrill !

« A little cash goes a long way »

Du septembre 4 au octobre 16 2019

A new bike, a rewarding day at work or a train ticket to visit loved ones. There’s a whole list of things one can get by not paying much. From the small amount of coins forgotten at the bottom of our pockets to the small notes kept in our wallets, there is no doubt that these small bills can bring big thrills and that a little cash goes a long way. CashEssentials, together with Wipplay, is launching yet another photo contest where the challenge of this year’s theme is to capture the small joyful moments that have been purchased with cash. A place, a moment, an object or an action… Simply submit a quality image that you have taken portraying the happiness money buys and the joy it brings. Make sure to write a short description sharing your story that will help us live the experience.

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1er prix du jury
2ème prix du jury
3ème prix du jury
1er prix des internautes
2ème prix des internautes
3ème prix des internautes
Small bill, big thrill !

TerminéDu septembre 4 au octobre 16 2019

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