You have all the time to get the amber light

FinishedFrom November 11 to December 1 2015


You have all the time to get the amber light

FinishedFrom November 11 to December 1 2015


You have all the time to get the amber light

FinishedFrom November 11 to December 1 2015


You have all the time to get the amber light

FinishedFrom November 11 to December 1 2015


« You have all the time to get the amber light »

From November 11 to December 1 2015

Stimulating and provocative, the Orange color gives a hint of heat this month of freshness. From October 27 to November 18, 2015 , offers an autumn contest under the sign of Orange !

Warm atmosphere along with your winter coats, images rediscover this season! Pumpkins, contrasted skies, faded leaves, decline this colorimetry, playing on borrowed tones of copper, auburn or red . The jury composed of Corinne Dubreuil photographer and the team Wipplay will elect the 3 best looking images. The 3 most voted photos will win the famous wipplayers prices .

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Contest terms

Prizes to win

1st prize of the jury
1 print Central Dupon 40 x 60
2nd prize of the jury
1 print Central Dupon 40 x 60
3rd prize of the jury
1 print Central Dupon 40x60
1st prize of the wipplayers
1 print Central Dupon 30x40
2nd prize of the wipplayers
1 print Central Dupon 30x40
3rd prize of the wipplayers
1 print Central Dupon 30x40

FinishedFrom November 11 to December 1 2015

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