Prix du jury
In partnership with
Organized by the Agglomeration Creil Sud Oise under the artistic direction of Diaphane, a photographic center in Picardy, this event makes it possible to question the memory of companies and to highlight the work of men, through a route of outdoor exhibitions.
Can we represent the work? Do we keep traces of those moments spent at work in our personal albums? Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, companies have built through photography an ideology to magnify technical progress and social ascent as the only personal fulfillment. Did they constitute a memory for this?
The modernization of the production tool and automation have made the figure of the worker disappear from companies. The disappearance of the worker from the field of photography is metaphorical of the economic concept which wants immediate profitability through a reduction in production and labor costs. Easy-to-substitute men with no identity.
More representation of work, more workers, for increased profit.
Photographers therefore have a responsibility in the production of images and in the ideology that they accept or not to serve. Putting the exhibitions of this biennial into perspective will raise questions and make us think about the role of images in the establishment of a media ideology.
site web
Diaphane, a photographic center in Hauts-de-France, aims to present the diversity of the photographic image, on all scales of the territory.
Its project is fueled by:
- support for creation during research residencies and production stays,
- the realization of regular exhibition routes,
- a mediation offer that includes reading and practice time,
- the organization of an annual highlight, "Les Photaumnales", a festival which brings together a set of unique exhibitions around a theme.
Diaphane has a particular interest in supporting young photographers, a responsible attention to the transversality of projects, the pooling of resources and energies, and enjoys deploying its actions from local to international ...
The Diaphane house in Clermont-de-Oise hosts the team of the photographic pole, a resource center and an exhibition space for young photographers.
The exhibition program is also being built, in a nomadic but nonetheless regular way, by the provision of spaces by various partner venues.
In parallel with the photographic pole, Diaphane has set up a publishing house.
site web
Pôle emploi
Pôle emploi is the public employment service in France. Our role ? :
- Compensate job seekers and assist them in returning to work,
- Guide and support companies in their recruitments.
This is the mission of our 54,500 agents, mobilized on a daily basis to anticipate trends, innovate and bring together key players and relays in the field.
site web
Lots à gagner
1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
2ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
3ème prix des internautes
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
2ème prix des internautes
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
1er prix des internautes
Exhibition of the photography during Usimages 2021 in Creil Sud Oise Agglomeration, to 17th of April to 20th of June 2021
My working environment
TerminéDu janvier 6 au février 27 2021