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Festival Photo du Guilvinec - L'homme et la mer
If there is a territory whose maritime dimension is one of the primary characteristics, it is undoubtedly the Pays de Cornouaille in Brittany. Since its 1st edition in 2011 at Guilvinec, the Festival Photo l'Homme et la Mer has wanted to pay homage to this maritimity, at the same time as it wishes to illustrate the strong links that unite, in many places on the planet, the man, the sea and its coastline.
A mixture of genres, the nourishing sea, the sea as a recreational, playful, dreamlike space, a mixture of eras, black and white or color versions, the exhibitions bringing together more and more photos, testify to their own artistic approaches. : thus reports with sometimes very contrasting colors rub shoulders with more evanescent atmospheres, the sepia imprint of old photos shares the stage with contemporary reports, comic strips respond to plastic works in color.
The festival is thus essentially eclectic, in order to be identified as a place open to all, artists and audiences. The programming, if it must include risk-taking in the choice of works exhibited, must not confuse the local population and visitors.
The other objective of the association is to want a festival outside the walls and to bring art out of the conventional space of the museum and the interpersonal space traditionally linked to it. The exhibitions are available to everyone free of charge and go to the front of the public, first of all the local population and visitors by taking the streets, the facades of the houses, the buildings of the fishing port as support.
Moreover, the democratic nature of the photographic medium makes it possible to meet the most diverse populations and sociologically and culturally distant from any artistic proposal.
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Lots à gagner
1er prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo at the Festival L'homme et la mer and a photobook
2ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo at the Festival L'homme et la mer and a photobook
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the photo at the Festival L'homme et la mer and a photobook
1er prix des internautes
A photographic book from Festival L'homme et la mer
3ème prix des internautes
A photographic book from Festival L'homme et la mer
2ème prix des internautes
A photographic book from Festival L'homme et la mer
TerminéDu mars 16 au avril 22 2022