With a taste of a poison paradise

FinishedFrom February 12 to March 12 2014


With a taste of a poison paradise

FinishedFrom February 12 to March 12 2014


With a taste of a poison paradise

FinishedFrom February 12 to March 12 2014


With a taste of a poison paradise

FinishedFrom February 12 to March 12 2014


« With a taste of a poison paradise »

From February 12 to March 12 2014

À l'occasion de la Saint-Valentin, organise un concours photo "Lips". A l'instar de Georgia May Jagger ou de Monica Belluci partagez en images vos plus belles bouches. Souriantes, colorées ou veloutées, maquillées ou naturelles photographiez les lèvres dans tous leur états...

With a taste of a poison paradise

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Jury's prices

Prizes to win

1st prize of the jury
1 bijoux sur mesure Made In Love.
1st prize of the wipplayers
1 sautoir "Midnight" Made In Love.
2nd prize of the wipplayers
1 sautoir " Douce envie" Made In Love.
3rd prize of the wipplayers
1 bague "In the Mood" Made In Love.

FinishedFrom February 12 to March 12 2014

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