Teenager's stories

Being young and European

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

Teenager's stories

Being young and European

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

Teenager's stories

Being young and European

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

Teenager's stories

Being young and European

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

Teenager's stories

Being young and European

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

Teenager's stories

« Being young and European »

Du mai 6 au juin 22 2022

The ADOLESCENCE STORIES photo contest invites you to capture a slice of life where everything is built. The opportunity to look at teenagers from all over Europe, to share a testimony on these fundamental years. Heckled, silent, solitary, collective, tormented, exciting, stunning years. It's up to you to photograph the models and the scenes that seem to you to transcribe this incredible slice of life.

This new partnership with the French Institute of Lebanon will be the subject of a screening of favorites at the Beirut Photo Festival. The series of images presented will be placed alongside the work of Fred Stucin who looked at the youth of Lebanon. A promising comparison to which we are delighted to invite you!

Partager le concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Exhibition during the Beirut Photo Festival
2ème prix du jury
Exhibition during the Beirut Photo Festival
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition during the Beirut Photo Festival
1er prix des internautes
Teenager's stories

TerminéDu mai 6 au juin 22 2022

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