City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

Ile-de-France has a green thumb !

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

City gardens, country gardens

« Ile-de-France has a green thumb ! »

Du juillet 19 au août 28 2019

Ile-de-France has a green thumb. In the urban or rural milieu, the inhabitants of Ile-de-France love to cultivate their gardens whether or not in secret. Gardens shared or private, patrimonial or educational, community gardens, public gardens, family gardens, on roofs, urban fields, etc. What will you choose? New city-dweller practices to remote shabby fields, this contest must be a natural exploration of the region through the alert eyes of the photographers. Up to you to play ! This photo contest, organised with the event Jardins ouverts, an initiative of the region of Île-de-France, is open for participation to all photographers, even those that don’t live in Ile-de-France. Before all : the 15 favourites will be exhibited in Zone Sensible - Ferme urbaine de Saint Denis on the occasion of the 3rd year of Jardins ouverts which will be held on 5 and 6 October 2019. There are also prizes to be awarded, for the winners of the public prize and those chosen by the jury, which brings together Julie Corteville (Head of the Heritage services and Inventory of the Ile-de-France region), Julie Faure (head conservator of Heritage, Region of Île-de-France), Olivier Darné (Founder of the Zone Sensible - Ferme urbaine de Saint-Denis), Eric Cez (Editions Loco), Christine Vidal (Co-director of the BAL), Stéphane Asseline (photographer) and Elise Prudhomme (photographer).

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Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Photographs deemed “Jury Favourites” will be exhibited at Zone Sensible - la Ferme urbaine de Saint-Denis. The inauguration of the 3rd edition of jardins ouverts which will take place on the 5th and the 6th of October 2019 + The complete collection of photographic works Ré-inventaire (co-edited with Loco publications and Région Île-de-France) + A copy of the work La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (Heritage collection of Île-de-France - Beau Livre, Lieux Dits publications) + A copy of the book Aux origines du Grand Paris (Loco publications)
2ème prix du jury
Photographs deemed “Jury Favourites” will be exhibited at Zone Sensible - la Ferme urbaine de Saint-Denis. The inauguration of the 3rd edition of jardins ouverts which will take place on the 5th and the 6th of October 2019 + The complete collection of photographic works Ré-inventaire (co-edited with Loco publications and Région Île-de-France) + A copy of the work La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (Heritage collection of Île-de-France - Beau Livre, Lieux Dits publications)
3ème prix du jury
Photographs deemed “Jury Favourites” will be exhibited at Zone Sensible - la Ferme urbaine de Saint-Denis. The inauguration of the 3rd edition of jardins ouverts which will take place on the 5th and the 6th of October 2019 + The complete collection of photographic works Ré-inventaire (co-edited with Loco publications and Région Île-de-France) + A copy of the book Aux origines du Grand Paris (Loco publications)
1er prix des internautes
The complete collection of photographic works Ré-inventaire (co-edited with Loco publications and Région Île-de-France)
2ème prix des internautes
A copy of the work La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (Heritage collection of Île-de-France - Beau Livre, Lieux Dits publications)
3ème prix des internautes
A copy of the book Aux origines du Grand Paris (Loco publications)
City gardens, country gardens

TerminéDu juillet 19 au août 28 2019

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