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  • marie le moigne

    It is outside the room, outside the fence, that the archipelago drifts, and invites the traveler in a strange silent noise... THE SHIP ARRIVES, But it always leaves. That is why the space is almost empty. I stay on the beach watching him walk away. I stay on a blank page, a blank beach. JARS, ISLANDS, ARCHIPELAGO, LANDSCAPE. It is a series of representations of still landscapes. The divisible pieces, plural zones move, slide on the blue of the ocean. The characters are removed from the world of visibilities. A DESASTER ? {the tide has risen} (the first 4 images form the first time, the last 4 form the second time) In a liner which has just taken on water and will soon sink, the daze has thwarted fear, and photographer, aware that her images will flow with her, can invent what she sees, what she wants. In a dream...



Trégunc, Finistère, France

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